Monday, January 26, 2015

Guinea Pig for a Day?

This past Thursday I was a guinea pig. It was my first time as a client at Warren Tech Cosmotology Department. After twice cutting my own hair, I decided to try out these "salon experts in training". I had scheduled only a haircut, but because there seemed to be time enough, I opted for some highlights as well. Under the tutelage of "Mrs. T", Marissa and Holly "foiled" my hair.  Because my hair "bleached" out really quickly, some toner had to be applied and time trickled away. My "junior color gurus" told me they really LOVE doing color and had known since they were young that this would be their passion. It was great to be in this estrogen-infused environment, and it reminded me a bit of when my girls were younger. After Marissa was called to some other task, Holly, a high school junior, proceeded to layer my hair with cautious fingers and scissors, snipping off 1/4 inch at a time. With eyes on the clock at 2:40PM, there was little time left. "Mrs. T" took over as Holly dashed to the bus. I paid and was out the door.

Friday, January 2, 2015

One Small Step for (WO)man...?

I'VE BEEN PUBLISHED!!!! The illustration appears on pg 35 of the SCBWI Bulletin for January/February 2015. Art Director thought the illustration print-worthy & I even got paid!
"Now that's validation!" I say, as I hang on to a smidgeon of hope for a future illustration career.
I procede onward (and upward?), as I complete the illustrations for new book written by Roz Silva (working title Three Tales, Four Dogs) planning to be published by Dayton Publishing soon.