Friday, March 13, 2015


I finally went to the Foot Doctor today. January 3rd I kicked a milk crate full of textbooks in bare of those, "Can I redo the last 5 seconds of my life?" moments. I asked myself, "What would a doctor do with a broken toe?" and decided a DIY taping would do the trick, while nature took its course. Wore socks, a velcro boot, and now rain boots with socks for the past 2 months, and the toe is purple and is still missing the "knuckle wrinkle"...Yes, still swollen.

I saw Dr Neshweiwat's smiling face, with his fast-talking information-infused positivity, enter the room..."How are you" he said, and the look on my face told him all he needed to know. Yes, I was back, but with "something new". (He treated my plantar faciitis months ago on the SAME FOOT)

After hearing my story, he said I was going the "caveman way", i.e., swelling envelopes the injury, cushioning the bone until it heals. Xray confirmed compression fracture has healed. No longer B.C., so cortisone was the next step. Yes, I actually wished for it...Yes, fix me.

If you have ever had cortisone shots for inflammation, you know it's not a one time prick and it's over. As he moved that needle in and around the small joint of my 4th toe with several injections, I white knuckled the armrests of the chair. I wonder if the other toes were scared for Mr. Ringman?

I see Dr. Neshweiwat in about 2 weeks for a check back. He says eventually I should be able to wear "Designer Italian pointed-toed shoes"...I am deciding if I should wear those shoes to the next appointment... hmmm?